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Stories of the Sox

The Fenway Faithful Write About The Olde Towne Team...

Tribute to 2004

Sox Passion by Karyn Hannigan

Pony for Sale in N.C. by Philip Wimberly

My Favorite Season by Jackie Furlone

The Bambino of the Curse

The Curse: a poem by George Sabo

To Be a Red Sox Fan by Bethany Tung

Field of Dreams by Gil Matos

The Conversion of a Yankee Fan by John Berosh

Therapy for 2003

Ground Hog Day, 2003 by Paul Hunt

The Red Sox and the Heart of an Eight-Year-Old Boy by Ellen O'Donnell

Baptism by Mike Still

1986: a poem by John Marshall

The Story of the 1870 Cincinnati Red Stockings (or, Why the Red Sox Lost the 1986 World Series) by Kristen Cornette

Line-Up for Yesterday by Ogden Nash

Baseball Poetry and Humor, from the Baseball Almanac

The Steamer

Got an original story or poem about the Sox,
or baseball in general?
Share it!

Send in your submissions and I'll post my favorites.


A Great and Glorious GameA Great and Glorious Game: Baseball Writings of A. Bartlett Giammati, by A. Bartlett Giammati.

A collection of the former baseball commissioner and lifelong Red Sox fan's baseball writings. Includes the oft-quoted essay The Green Fields of the Mind. Details/Order

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